Friday, November 7, 2008

Life's little tests

We got snow. It was snowing on Tuesday for the vote. We still have snow on the ground. The ski resorts are open already. They'll probably be getting more today.

I went to the doc yesterday. You know, the "EXAM"? Saddle up! Boots in the stirrups! Westward ho!

And you're thinkin' to yourself, "Relax?... That depends on what you're plannin' to do with that cattle prod thingy..." ..."FOR THE LOVE OF ...YEEOOWW!

I toyed with idea of bucking the doc right off that little stool with a square reflex kick to the chops!

Butt in the end, it was over. I survived. And the doc doesn't have bucked teeth.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Yesss. I just had that one too recently and also the one where your boobies get smashed flat and NOW I have to have one where I drink a ton of water and they press this thing on your stomach until you beg for mercy to go pee. oh yes.