Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mother Hubbard finally cleaned her cupboard

You know how you go through those times when things in your house drive you crazy, because you haven't had time to get to them???? Ok, maybe you get to them, but I just somehow don't. Anyway I had one of those days, (they amazingly come cyclically) when everything was driving me nuts and so I started with the bathroom and cleaned it with a vengeance. Then I went after the laundry and then the kitchen. I scoured and magic erasered like a mad woman. I was the germ terminator with a double holster of bleach and lysol. Yippee-Ky-yea!

Then I open the cupboard. Hummmmm, hot chocolate raspberry, hot chocolate mint truffle, hot chocolate cocoa.... what's that?, a jar of homemade wassail powder(gift of neighbor), another jar homemade wassail powder (gift of the same neighbor), another and another and another, and another and another. 7 jars of homemade wassail with the Merry Christmas note still attached! Gees I'm pathetic!

I haven't gotten around to making Wassail for 7 years! Wow. You can only do that in December, right? Unfortunately, because of my rabid need for order and space, it's on it's way out along with an assortment of canned clams, crab and other ancient non edible items.

The seagulls that hang out at the landfill will smell Christmas in the air a little earlier this year.


LHammer said...

Oh, I am so with you. I go through cleaning fits every now and again, and my family just stands back and watches me go. Nothing is sacred enough for the garbage can!

Marilyn said...

Ha ha haha you go girl! wanna come clean here????