Monday, November 24, 2008

What's on my nightstand

I know I'm behind doing this but here is my nightstand

These are little squares we making into boxes with bells inside for the Humanitarian Center to send to children with no toys in other countries. We are using different colored yarn and sewing them together. I need to make three more to make a box.

Mountain Beyond Mountains is what I am currently reading. True story. Excellent so far. (I just finished the Toll Gate by Georgette Heyer) A regency romance. historcally correct. If you can get through the 19th century England slang, it's a funny read.

Planning to read next. I may have already read it, but I can't remember..

Planning to read with Youngest. It's the last of the Alex Rider series that has been published.
The other things in the photo are watch bands and earrings I have made, but need to fix for some reason or another.
I have 2 clocks, one with current time and the other with NY time.
Inside my nightstand are many many books I have either started or intend to read. Can't show you that. It's crammed full and is too embarrassing! To name a few: John Adams (half way), Exodus, A Thousand Slendid Suns, Saving Faith, Oxford English Dictionary, Spanish/English dictionary, Ella Minnow Pea (half way), Excuse Me your life is waiting (half way), I feel bad about my neck, (half way), the Civil War (half way). I even have swiped copies of my son's European History text books. :) At the side of my bed are other books --my scriptures, a yw activity idea book and a journal where I write story ideas.
In my basement are piles and piles of other books I'm planning to read. In my office are other books I want to read.... there's some in the living room too. Yikes, this is starting to sound like true confessions of a bookaholic!
I relate to the part in "These is my words" when Sara finds the wagon full of volume after volume of books and feels that she has found a treasure greater than gold.


Marilyn said...

ooh-I loved this post and I'm glad you are sharing your reading. Jen read Katherine and LOVED it. I need to find a copy and read it too (maybe I read it too but I can't remember!)

Jessica said...

I AM SO EXCITED to read These is my words. Next book on the list. Just finished a really cheesy book that was a cheapo from Deseret Book. Catherine is another on my list. You have to keep sharing your book finds. I always need about 4-5 books ready to read :)
p.s. i tagged you, check out my blog.

mirrored nightstand said...

cute post I'm your newest follower! :)