Friday, September 12, 2008

Start your day with a bang?

The youngest came in this morning when I got home from dropping off his brother at school and said, "I've got some good news and some bad news...

The good news is: I'm ready for school!," and then he posed. "The bad news is: There is something wrong with the car!!"

What he didn't know, was that I already knew there was something wrong with the car since I had spent the last 30 minutes talking to a nice police officer at the scene of the accident I caused.
The car was still steaming and hissing like a snake.

The motorcylist I hit is fine. The other car driver he hit is fine. I'll be paying the fine.

Glancing for a second at the sign on the local grocery store announcing a case lot sale was not worth starting the day off with a 'bang'.


Marilyn said...

Oh my gosh! I guess everyone is okay right? We got a call early this morning from one of Terry's clients, he just glanced over his shoulder to check the next lane and boom! He hit the back of another car. SO SO sorry. Is your car okay?

Sharon said...

Oooh! So sorry to hear about that. Accidents can really throw things off for a while. I am glad nobody was hurt.