Monday, May 5, 2008

White noise

I woke up this morning, climbed out of bed, walked groggily to the bathroom, heard the hair dryer, expected to see my husband drying his hair getting ready for the day... but I didn't see him...

I glanced in the closet and there he was lying in the closet with his pillow and the hair dryer...

I said, "Hi, what are ya doing?" Like I didn't know.

"Waiting for the water to get warm.."

"Oh, ok. "

That's a good one. I wasn't expecting that. It's true that the boys take long showers in the morning and leave little warmth for whoever goes afterwards, but I thought he was just trying to catch a few extra z's since the youngest has been snoring in a sleeping bag in our room for a few days, and he wakes Dan up with his nose whistling, and then he can't go back to sleep. Thus the need for the white noise that comes from a hair dryer. Although I must say, the filter is so full of carpet lint that I'm sure it will sputter, cough and wheeze into nothingness soon when the last bit of air flow has been cut off...

1 comment:

jen said...

hahaha! I can totally picture uncle d with the dryer in the closet. you have such a way with words...I can just see it!